Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Elves And The Shoemaker”This is an endearing retelling of this German folktale — with a twist.May 5, 20235May 5, 20235
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Three Little Pigs”This classic folktale has never failed to mesmerize kids all over the world. It is one of the most memorable and beloved stories of all…May 3, 20239May 3, 20239
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Old Man Who Made Withered Trees Blossom”This story reminds us of the annual cherry blossom season in Japan.Apr 29, 20237Apr 29, 20237
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “Chicken Little”This is my retelling of the famous English folktale Chicken Little. There were many retellings of this story over the centuries. The idiom…Apr 27, 20238Apr 27, 20238
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Bogey-Beast”This is a retell of the wonderful fairy tale by British author Flora Annie Steel.Apr 26, 20235Apr 26, 20235
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Crow And The Pitcher”An Aesop’s Fable — with a lesson that can be applied in today’s mind-boggling advancement in AI (Artificial Intelligence).Mar 28, 20239Mar 28, 20239
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Chinese Bamboo Tree”I would like to start with a famous quote:Mar 27, 20232Mar 27, 20232
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”Do not be in despair over the darkest times of our life — for it is in the darkest sky that we can see the brightest star.Feb 13, 20238Feb 13, 20238
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Man, His Wife, The Donkey, And The Critics”When we are beset with insurmountable challenges and misfortune, always remember that at the same time we will be blessed in other ways. As…Feb 11, 20236Feb 11, 20236
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Birds And The Tree Branch”The best way of spreading happiness is to share it with those we love.Feb 10, 20237Feb 10, 20237
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Oyster Story”Life is so full of uncertainties such that no matter how well we did plan, we must be ready for what we did not plan.Sep 23, 202211Sep 23, 202211
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Butterfly Story”Hardships are the core of our well-being — they mold us and develop our strength to its full potential for survival.Aug 21, 202213Aug 21, 202213
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Law Of The Garbage Truck”The most beautiful things are things that are right in front of us but that we did not see.Jul 26, 202213Jul 26, 202213
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Unconditional Love”Living Without Knowing.Jul 12, 202210Jul 12, 202210
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Mousetrap”The best way of spending happiness is to share it with those we love.Jul 7, 202210Jul 7, 202210
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Woodcutter And The Ax”We have true freedom when we are true to ourselves.Jul 4, 202228Jul 4, 202228
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Brick”Nobody is in our life by accident. Everyone we meet in life is part of a big big lesson for us.Jun 28, 202256Jun 28, 202256
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Stonecutter”It is only when we stop seeking to do what we love, that we are able to start loving whatever we do.Jun 18, 202226Jun 18, 202226
Cher Hin ChongA Retell Of “The Frog Race”Be kind in our words to others because our choice of words can either inspire others or disparage them. Let’s make our world a more…Jun 11, 202219Jun 11, 202219